Looking a Little Lost…
Looking a little lost…
…without his mate!
Is It a Goose…
Is it a goose, or is it a duck? I checked on Google and am still none the wiser. Can you help?
But whatever the answer, don’t you just love the patterns in the water behind it – they’re awesome!
Seven Swans a Swimming…
Seven swans a swimming…
…well maybe a few more than seven!
Black Sheep!
During our stay in the Lake District we drove up to Gretna Green for a visit.
And this black sheep followed us home!
Perhaps sailing has more appeal?
What about one of these?
Care for a Row?
The water looks so inviting…
…care for a row?.
Lake Windermere
I’m just back from a few days spent in the Lake District. Walking along the shore of Lake Windermere…
…you can’t help but be struck by the awesome beauty of the surrounding countryside.
Beautiful Colours
Flowers come in such beautiful colours.
These reds and yellows make my heart sing – and they match my site colours!
New Pen Nib
I am so in love with my new Lamy fountain pen nib.
It’s extra fine, and it writes beautifully!
Passion for Feathers
I have a passion for collecting feathers…
…they’re just so beautiful!